Monday, March 31, 2014

My Week

Because so much happen on a weekly basis now, I'll just blog about its entire duration ^^

Wednesday: My day off! Nothing of relative interest happened. Bad things are finally starting to happen though as I got yelled at because I left a dish in the sink during my daily chores. Seriously this male menopause thing is getting really annoying.

Thursday: Late for Ideas in History lecture (as usual), hung around after the tutorial to have lunch with my homies. Alice had something on that night so I guess it wouldn't hurt for the rest of us to stick around. We decided to go film Estelle and Alice's jamnominations at Central Park event space. However there's this annoyingass piano player who thinks he's so good and won't get off the piano. The songs he play are pure show-off pieces that don't even sound nice (since he's playing it so fast and so many times over). Played with new steam friends again :3 They stayed up later but I didn't because work training tomorrow starts too early.

Friday: Such a busy day! Had SPROUTS training from 9 till 4. Turns out it was just one huge lecture that came with free food  (which everyone fought for) so I guess that's good. Didn't make any new friends which was surprising because we're all communication agents. Oh well, who needs friends amirite? But nah had lunch with Gaylen; him and Kaiken bought me Chatime and we headed towards Jass/Anime screening together. Kaiken didn't stay cuz he had some friend's birthday thing. WHO NEEDS FRIENDS?

Gintama movie was great but the Subway dinner that I paid $5 for was not at all. So GiGi's friends, D-Burger n co and I went to grab KFC and I soon left for Connect group. It was slightly awkward since everyone was late so I grabbed dinner (mine consisted of a custard bun, chips and milkis for $4 lel) with the leaders and we talked about GoT and Waifuism. When I got home new steam friends asked me to play again so woop. Jimface got really cranky and it pissed me off so I proceeded to ignore him for the rest of the day.

Saturday: GiGi came over at noon to make Rabboeki with me :D We forgot alot of things but man it turned out so good. Who knew randomly chucking stuff into a pot can taste so damn good? We ate and watched You Who Came From The Stars together. Invited her to join our Dota Skype call and I had chores so I asked her to pick a hero for me. She panicked and pressed 'Random' which got me TA. I actually got quite a few kills and least death in game so you can't blame me! This was also the day I kind of decided that this senpai obsession of mine is unhealthy and I should probably stop. So I did, and all was great until I got a text, guess who I'm stuck with for tomorrow? Sigh.

Sunday: Despite playing Dota till 2 I managed to get up at 9, take my shower, clean my bathroom, pick my outfit, dry/straighten hair and put on makeup ("not too caked but covers all blemishes and have a slight ulzzang tone to it") by 10:29. Pro right? Jdn ended up being abit late but I didn't mind. It was just the two of us today so we talked about Dota and general lyf things. 

The message today was really good. It was about love thy neighbour (AWKWARD) and it encouraged us to get involved in this action plan thing. I got really hyped up for it because I thought it was a great idea. I also made my decision to help serve in Kids Ministry and they told me to go abit earlier next week to scout things out. Sounds perfect. 

Went lunch with the group and got to meet some really nice people (ONE MORE DOTA FRIEND). Though call me biased but one of them kinda annoyed me alot for reasons you and I both know (Line Chat). Nevertheless strange topics were discussed over the lunch table (how to die, cannibalism during the apocalypse...etc) and I had some really good ramen. Even took a selfie for snapchat!

More Dota and lyf nonsense was discussed and pocky was shared on the trip back w/ Jdn. I kind of fell asleep instead of doing my UnComm blog post and two Dota games later I realised that it's gonna be due in 2 hours. Somehow I procrastinated a whole hour and at 10pm I got cracking. That was when time passed SO DAMN QUICKLY. Me being a perfectionist only handed in my work 22mins after the due time. I AM SO PARANOID OVER THAT NOW. But hey got to play more Dota afterwards with Jimface, Wilso and Jdn. It's kinda my fault that we lost for both but you can really tell my Steam friend's diverging personalities because while Jimface was a dick who blamed me for everything Wilso was more forgiving and Jdn is just downright nice. I'm sure that deep down underneath they're both equally as annoyed though. Really pissed dad off cuz I was playing late so freaking sigh.

Monday (That's today, folks!): Decided to skip lecture because I slept too late last night (kept on thinking to myself man dad is so right) but for some reason he didn't go work today. I kindly asked him to help me fix my converses because they're all falling apart and all he had to do was to duct tape it. The tutorial was a bludge but at least we're getting somewhere with the splitting into groups thing. Met up with Jess and I realised that I have mistakenly thought of today as the Hot Cross Buns day welp. We went to eat Ippudo together and later Maccas for dessert (fries dipped in sundaes, yay or nay?). I wanted to go Priceline to use my $5 voucher, bought a Loreal mascara but the lady said I had to print my voucher and scanned my item anyway =_= bish. Regret getting this one now cuz the wand's so freaking huge like whoa. Also I'm so used to the MAC hair tips a plastic spool felt weird.

When I got home I realised dad didn't end up fixing my shoes so was kinda annoyed over that because I've been asking him for a week now. I understand that he's very busy since mum's in China but that won't have taken him 5 minutes and I even GAVE him the shoes in the morning to which he responded: "put that in the garage first". Ceebs. I got really tired after pooping greenish black (THANKS SPINACH FOR MAKING ME THINK I GOT CANCER) so took a nap but BIG MISTAKE guess who I angered? He went on his death rant again (idk why he tells me to go die everytime it concerns playing video games) so I decided to ignore it because that's just downright rude. Now I ceebs eating dinner. Wow when I look over what I just typed it sounded like such a first world problem sigh.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Things are looking up

Alot has happened recently, I guess that my unilyf is just so packed to the brim I hardly have the time and energy to blog about it. Got to interview Greg Rust for UnComm and even though I haven't really heard of him before I was pretty star-struck hehe.

I got the SPROUT job! I remember sitting in UnComm thinking to myself: "BRACE YOURSELF REJECTION IS COMING" but nope. We only get like around 40 shifts a year (explains the good pay) but I think it's excellent experience and I can learn valuable skills along the way.

So that anon asked to meet up with me at the concourse, I camouflaged myself and actually went to scout it out. To no avail though, Alice even yelled "SELENA'S STALKER COME OUT!". However I did bump into a few familiar faces so all good. I did see some sus guy I met at speed friending go there at 2 and leaving 15 mins later, I don't remember him speaking good English or play Dota so probs not him cuz otherwise urgh.

Anime Trivia Night was fun, I must have gained heaps of weight from that though. We didn't win anything but the feeling of thinking that we could possibly win was euphoric. Afterwards Gaylen and I went to the night markets for expensiveass streetfood, I've never been Chinatown night markets, how crazy is that? Then I went to the Connect group for Chopstix, I never thought I'd actually fit in there and it remained this awkward place where I only knew a few people but nevertheless. Should I nominate myself to become an exec for UTSAnime? I know I want to be the JASS one but I'm enjoying myself more and more among the otakus ahaha.

How annoying is that Jamnomination tag? I got tagged and heaps of difficult, high-pitched songs ran through my head, but I ended up going with Bryan Adam's "Heaven", because I haven't sung that at the beach and it sounds good imo. Still flat and boring compared to all those "Let it go"s and other shenanigans.

I hang with Jes less and less now, it's concerning really, but I'm glad we still do our best to find time for eachother :') I got Alice's present today, my wallet's been draining alot recently cuz dad kept on borrowing off me and I blow my cash on other miscellaneous things like food, travel passes and etc.

GUESS WHO I GOT TO PLAY WITH? I thought that, after I got completely ignored, something like that would never happen. But it did, and my disposition was really natural so phew! Thank you Jimface even though I still hate your guts sometimes. I don't wanna be too keen so I went off when he did and left them to their own devices. Did I make the right choice? I'm pretty sure I did.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Let us catch up

  • Uni is wearing me out, I feel like trying hard in every single assignment but I always end up doing them last minute.
  • I feel like I should act more like a girl, be more quiet, less violent, and take care of my body more.
  • Sometimes I observe other people's actions and realise how retarded I can be sometimes.
  • Everyone around me is hitting on each other and it is getting increasingly annoying because I get left out when that happens.
  • Finally went to Centrelink to finalise Youth Allowance.
  • Got a friggin infection and the treatment is irritating as hell.
  • I just got a few hundred bucks from USANA, so it begins...
  • Mum went to China and I miss her alot already :( Before she left we went shopping and she went crazy at Daiso ahaha. It seems everytime we go out we end up eating Sushi Train. We ate at Sushi Hon and spent like 50 bucks OTL. I got a blazer for the SPROUT interview and Windsor Smith shoes to integrate into the mainstream.
  • The interview went so... URGH. I said alot of stupid stuff and left out the important stuff that would prove my enthusiasm/excellence. They said I was the only DigSocMed applicant and had to wait till the next week to know the answer so I think they meant I sucked so much they had to interview more people because they only sent notices to 10 people. #praythatidgetin
  • Since my homestay left I have my own bathroom, it's such a drag to clean.
  • There's this really cute guy who's like so perf and he just gets more and more perf everyday. NOTICE ME SENPAI <3
  • Oppa does USANA wut wut wut lel lel lel it would be funny if he's actually in mum's team aahahhaha
  • I probably should lose weight if I ever want to go to the beach again.
  • I really want to know who the anon is on so I can talk to him/her.
  • There really is no hope for my computer to run TESO properly ever again.
  • My internet has been really dodgy recently.

Friday, March 7, 2014


Did ya think that after I completely ditched Anti-Bitch and Recounting China this will be another series going down the drain? I don't think so buddy. Let's get right down to it yo! Part two will consist of my Galleria haul!

Guerlain Meteorites Perles Light Diffusing Perfecting Primer 9/10
I freaking love this product, and not because I'm a Guerlain fangirl, either. From top to bottom it just radiates beauty. The formula is so smooth and absorbent it felt like I'm using skin-care and not a primer! Your skin will quite literally glow and shimmer after application, which makes any foundation look good. It is also water-based so your skin feels really good afterwards. The only downside is the price; I actually got this for around $50 (connections) but everywhere else it's hella pricey! So yeah think carefully before investing in it, mine's already like halfway finished cuz mum likes to use it as well just by it self haha.

Guerlain Lingerie de peau Invisible Skin Fusion 8/10
When I bought this product I had to choose between this one and Diorskin Forever, I chose it purely for the fact that the shade the MUA matched me with suited my skintone more and literally felt like second-skin. Its coverage is quite sheer- don't expect for it to fully cover any of your blemishes! This and the pearl primer is like a match made in heaven because the foundation's already-superslick application just glides on like a moisturiser and never clumps/look cakey. It does not have good oil-control so I recommend putting a  powder over it for a flawless finish.

Diorsnow BB Eye Creme 6/10
I asked for a concealer that could trick other people into thinking that I don't have acne, so I got recommended this. Now, if you were to use this product purely for the sake of concealing your undereye circles/bags, then by all means go ahead and use it. It's everything you could ask for- a moisturising formula, light, buildable coverage to make you look natural and an easy applicator. But that wasn't my purpose when I got it, I was told I can also use it as a pesudo-concealer and I can try placing some on my spots, it did not work as planned. I probably won't buy this product again, but it did my panda eyes proud during its stay.

Diorshow Art Pen Eyeliner 9/10
Now, you'd think after my terrible experience with MAC penultimate that I'd be put off eyeliner forever, but that was not the case my friend. I picked up this baby for free with my haul (again, connections) and it serves me well till this day. Its felt-tip applicator makes it easy to draw a precise, pigmented line far more superior than MAC's. Jess nearly poked herself in the eye because it was so sharp xD It definitely stays on for long as well, and once it literally did not smudge at ALL after my outing and I shed tears of hidden-lidded joy. My only qualm with this product is the fact that the lid doesn't fit the other end so I lose sight of the darned thing often.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

How you're supposed to attend uni

Me: Ah gotta do my readings for tomorrow!
*audible gasps of exasperation*
Ju: Soooooo keeeeeeeen!
Me: Uhh yeah?
*loud OOOHs and AHHHs in Mumble*
Me: Aren't you supposed to?
Mumble: NO!
Ju: First years, so keen!
A: Man I remember my first year, I was super keen too! Attended all my stuff!
*loud mutters of 'me too's and 'same here's*
Ji: Eventually, you just stop bothering.
Ju: Same old shit every year.
Blue Transparent Star