Monday, October 21, 2013

[REVIEW] Fictionpress

  Modern is over! So I finally have the time to put this blog together. Since I gave my Steam account away I spent the majority of my time reading Romance fictions on Fictionpress. I've pretty much read all the most popular ones, but I do not plan on reviewing all of them because I had problems with many. What I will do however is list the ones I did take a liking to, link them, and write abit about them.

  I can't include the apparently super duper good ones because the authors removed their stories due to other people plagiarising their work (lolsrsly they're not making a profit who cares why so obnoxious see now you miss out on more publicity). Also, these stories are all HET because I'm not into this whole slash business.

Pigothy's Fictionpress Recommendations
Part One. In no particular order

'So Much To Learn' by star123
Probably the most popular story on my list. It's about a girl who pressures her brother's best friend to teach her how to 'put out' for guys. star123 is a great author, and I thoroughly enjoyed all of her works. Plus she's Aussie, so I understood many of her terms. My favourite thing about this story is its imperfect narrative voice, the main character can be such an ass sometimes. Character relationships are also well thought out, just the right amount of smut. All in all, a very nicely written story with no loose ends.

'Hiring a Hooligan' by Deena
How I love this story, Dpz loved it as well. A capital C for Characterisation. You'd think all nerdy girls in stories become hot once you take their glasses off, not Jane. Her personality is so wacky and goofy I have grown to love her. How about the main guy? A thug who looks like an Irish schoolboy? What? Let's add a delinquent cougar grandmother and gay Indian friend to the mix. The story is also filled with maths and science puns and jokes, the author obviously did their research.

'Avery Susan Sanders is Not An Ass' by Justice Bana
This story puts a twist on a poor girl in rich school cliche, because the main character drifts from one guy to another. I'm not sure exactly where it excels at, because it's just a well-rounded piece that kept me hooked. The characters are very endearing and there's alot of drama. The whole ASS thing is a recurring joke which makes me laugh every time anyway.

'The Inexplicable State of Being There' by big.breaks.and.laryngytis
The best he-said, she-said story I've read so far. Don't let the summary fool you into thinking it's some crappy teenage novel. I really like how the whole 'watching eachother undress' thing ties the main characters together in a weird relationship. The story progression is well-paced and the ending was satisfying. It's often hard to work with this kind of format, but the author did very well.

'The Broken Road' by MandyHubbard
The only historical fiction on my list, the author also had one of her stories published. I like how the main character is blind, and so the author uses alot of auditory, olfactory and sensory imagery to illustrate her feelings. The setting of a 19th century England did feel genuine, but the escalated drama within the story reminded me that this is just another story. Smut was decent and subtle enough, but the main girl seems too innocent for that kind of stuff.

'Sabotage' by Mardy Bum
Before I go on with the story, I have to give a big (Y) to the author. She's so freaking cynical and 'I don't give a crap about what you think', her notes are incredibly entertaining to read. Sabotage is a dark, Revenge-esque story revolving around the 7 Deadly Sins. Not unique you ask? Wait till you submerge yourself into the twisted relationship between heroine and her love interest (it took me a LONG while to realise he's the main male lead). I was so hooked I read this story in a day. There are some inconsistencies with the language and sometimes character names but it gave the story an air of home-brewed authenticity. The author more than makes up for it with her awesome writing skills, metaphors and motifs and all that.

'100 Love Letters' by Aurette
A unique story about a girl writing letters to her future husband and then she meets a hot singer. I'm really conflicted over this story, because I was so hooked but the ending was really unsatisfying. It's one of those books when the author dangles a bait before you but just as you're about to take it they throw it far away. It became more and more painful to read on because I'm pretty much screaming "JUST GET TOGETHER PLS". So if you like cliffhangers, and lots of drama, this story is great. Check out the author's other stuff!

'From Beginning To End' by HeadAboveTheWater
SO. MUCH. DRAMA! What started off as an innocent high school friendship story spiraled out of control with pregnancy, lies, fame and the whole bagful of other feels. Poor Crystal and Jake, so many obstacles stood in the way of their union, but I guess that's what makes the ending so freaking satisfying. There's a sequel up too! Some grammatical mistakes here and there, but nothing that makes me squirm uncomfortably.

Happy reading! More to come as I venture into the less-known stories on the site.
Blue Transparent Star