Thursday, October 3, 2013

Of Makeup, Selfies and Panic Mode

So I've been mundanely practising... you heard me... doing makeup everyday. Usually before shower because I really want to be able to apply eyeliner with a steady hand and figure out the right colour palettes and stuff before being able to use it in the long term. Onto a quick MAC review rant... My liquid pen smudges alot but I guess that's what you get for having hidden eyelids ;A; The pencil one is very difficult to remove (won't go on my waterline but I don't even know where my waterline is so yeah) and the mascara is pretty awesome. I tried on my new Guerlian lipstick today and whoaa that colour is so pretty even though it looked ugly as fk as a stick. I really want to be able to pull off this 'red lipstick' thing but we shall see xD

This girl in my grade is really good at selfies, so I asked HOW U DO DIS and  recommended me some apps. I tried this one out today and whoa the lighting is so much better than the regular camera. So I got bored and took heaps after I got home today and Eru asked if it was me in my dp and I'm like *embarassed* >_>. Yay I can totally be a uzzlang when I grow up if HSC don't go well.

Speaking of HSC... 10 days till HSC... what am I doing with my life? Nothing I tell ya! Nothing! KJFNKJDSFNKJSDFNKJDSFNKJDSFNKJSDFNKDFN AHEME FJAFHDSJF dSKJFNksdjf.

Also I got
Blue Transparent Star