Note that if you do any of these things (or all of them who knows) it does NOT necessarily mean that you suck and I hate you. Nobody's perfect! This is my opinion only, you may even agree with some and I may do some myself! So, in no particular order...
1. Saying mean things to me indirectly. If you've got a problem, state it to my face. Don't go around in circles trying to insult me without actually insulting me. For example, say "I think you're ugly" not "Hmm some people may not be comfortable with the structure of your face".
2. Ignoring my texts/messages. You have no idea how retarded it feels to be completely ignored, especially if you asked a question/really need a response. The new 'seen' feature only emphasised how dog you are being. I know awesome people who at least gives a signal like "gtg" or "ttyl" or just "busy can't talk". IT'S NOT THAT HARD. You know, I know people who actually admitted to my face that they chose to ignore me on purpose. Yes that includes you duck, go suck on a fat one stupid wall.
3. Not answering calls. WHY HAVE A PHONE?
4. Always trying to outdo me. There's ZERO POINT in having to always beat someone at everything. "Oh you got 10 bucks? I have 20! You got an A? I got an A+!" Stop it my gosh how are you so lacking in humbleness!
5. Having 0 self-confidence. "OMG I SUCK AT THIS AND OMG I'M SO UGLY AND FAT". You're not, everybody has something they're good at. It's ok to talk about feeling insecure in some areas, but I don't need to know about how much you suck at everything 24/7.
6. MAPOTI. Yes the Ryan video. Fifty irrelevant hashtags, swagfags, unrelated captions, tryhard comic-maker, 10 luvos per day, gamer girl sluts... etc. Oh internet what a wonderful place you are.
7. Trying way to hard to insult me. I know the whole deal about how real friends can take insults but when someone goes out of their way to insult me it just sounds dumb. "You're eating? Fattie!" "You like cookies? NOBODY LIKES YOU!" "You're sad? Suck one dipshit!" It's not even funny.
8. Always asking for my work. I give my work out when necessary because I'm a nice person and I know some people are really stuck on their stuff. Heck I sometimes OFFER for others to copy my work. But you know how there's always that one person who NEVER does their work and always rely on others for copying? You know the one. The most annoying thing is that I can NEVER ask them for THEIR work when I needed it because it's always "Do it urself" or like "But I was gonna copy off u!".
9. Having a problem with me and not telling me about it. Please, if I did ANYTHING to offend you don't be a cold dawg ignoring me CLEARLY acting like you're pissed off. I'm too pussy to ask, so PLEASE step up, smile and tell me exactly what the heck I did wrong.
10. People who give me funny looks. It sounds weird but I hate it when I get this look from people that screamed "Uhh... wtf dude you're so retarded." You know what I mean? I mean I say stupid stuff on purpose for the LOLZ (and I know others who do too) so it doesn't really matter but when I'm trying to be serious that look is the worst.
11. Whining about a good mark. "OMG I GOT 95 SO BAD". I know being at a competitive school this happens on a daily basis but I hate it when people do that when they see that I got a bad mark. If your mark was bad and you want to die, what mark would mine count as? And don't say "Oh that's not bad Selena" ya damn hypocrite.
12. Pretending to have knowledge in stuff you have no idea about. Especially when it comes to games. "OMG I LOVE ZELDA HE'S SUCH A COOL GUY"
13. Wearing revealing clothes and looking bad. Also includes guys taking half-naked photos. I do not see the point in wearing revealing clothes in the first place, but theres a difference between sexy and trashy. What's your intention of doing so except to attract the opposite sex and hoping to get laid? I once saw a (year 10 I'm pretty sure) girl with her school skirt so short her butt's LITERALLY half out, btw your legs are horribly and implicitly unpleasant, time to shave gurl. I immediately averted my eyes to prevent mental scarring.
14. Bringing private conflict to public places. I hate to see people posting mean stuff on platforms like Facebook walls and Twitter so everyone can see. That's just a new form of nasty.
That's enough rage for one day. I'll try writing about things I like next time :(