EBExpo is so... average, to say the least. Poor Herby and I (who had 3 hours of sleep the night before and has sore eyes from contacts) had to endure long lines and the most horrible disgusting lunch ever. Don't eat at Red Ass next time kids!
So, my holidays can be concluded as... unproductive but uber fun. Lots of Dota 2, I wonder how I'd be doing without it when school starts tomorrow.
I met some cool people this holidays. My friend's friend's friends to be specific. Weird huh? I feel like I somehow replaced my friend's friend when it comes to their Dota. And honestly, just HOW THE HELL did I get myself involved with ex-Ruse uni students anyway?!
A shame i will hardly have any time for games in year 12, sigh, I feel so old. I hope HSC goes well for me.