Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Le Maobus

Title is somewhat relevant... I think. Because after school I got to hang with the Dictator and right now I'm suffering from bloatedness on the bus. STOP APOLOGISING!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

[REVIEW] Snow White and the Huntsman

  Mum took me out on Saturday to cure my post wallet-losing counselor-seeing depression. She literally splurged out on me and took me to Max Brenner's for a crazy choc-feeding session. Followed by a Gold-Class movie experience. We saw Snow White and the Huntsman. Gold Class has these classy leather recliner seats and some kid sitting in front of me has a rich dad who bought him all this fancy schmancy food on silver plates that costs like $20 each. His nomming noises are so distracting, and he's gonna get fat.

  And because I haven't reviewed stuff for a while and this movie really gets me thinking, here's my bratty review.

0mG wE tOtAlLy LoVe AnImAlzz

  Snow White and the Huntsman is a dark, Tim Burton-style interpretation of the original fairy tale. Starring the emotionally-lacking Kristen Stewart, the drop-dead hot Charlize Theron and the Thor-riffic Chris Hemsworth. I've been wanting to watch it since the first ad came out and blocked my Youtube watching experience.

  This dumbass king got lucky and married a beautiful queen and they loved each other very very much and then a baby came out and she's got lips red as blood and skin white as snow and all that shenanigan. That queen then faced her inevitable death. The king got lonely and found a hot chick in a wagon. He married her the next day which is totally legal and romantic back in ze day, she must have thought he's too ugly for her and so on the wedding night she stabbed him in his sleep, opened the gates and let in her dark minions to start allyourbasearebelongtous-ing.

  Now this queen is actually an old woman with a power to stay young forever by sucking the youth essence out of hot chicks' faces and energy out of hot guys' hearts. Her power also grants her other advantages like healing other people and throwing stuff around the room. She discovers that her powers are waning because Snow White (whom she imprisoned instead of killing/sucking, idiot.) had grown up to be more beautiful than she is (bullshit, Kristen Stewart is ugly as hell) so she set out to finally kill her and consume her heart.

You ain't got no alibi

  Now Miss Ugly Snow White here is actually a real fighter with real stamina even though she's been in some dark dungeon for ten years. She miraculously escapes and the queen sends out a middle-aged widowed Huntsman after her. The film follows her Hero's Journey in defeating the queen and claiming the throne for herself.

  Besides the problem with the casting, I also have problems with the romance lines within the film. When Snow got poisoned by the apple and died her childhood friend William kissed her goodbye and the audience expects her to come back to life. However, she didn't. It was only after the Huntsman kissed her when he was drunk did she revive. I'm pretty sure the fairy tale ended with a true-love's kiss, so is the movie saying that he's her true love? Let me get some things straight here... while Chris Hemsworth can be cute if he wants to, he is like, middle-aged with a dead wife! Snow White can't be more than 18/19! They are promoting pedophilia! Since I'm studying Emma and Emma ended up marrying Knightly who's 37 the Huntsman looked like he's in his 40s! That scene came out completely wrong for me.

Dafuq did I just watch

  Snow White's death scene also had problems. It not only caused an abrupt end to her journey which took effing forever it also magically transported the crew safe and soundly back to the King's friend's stronghold? It made the entire journey pointless! The director must have ran out of time in order to justify the whole point of the journey. Also, the Sanctuary scene with all the pretty quirky creatures seemed pretty pointless as well. It had been a nice break away from the Dark Themes but not enough to make me like it.

  Complaints about unjustified scenes aside, the camerawork and the special effects had been realistic and well-done. The queen's rapid-aging and quick-healing had been extremely realistic and suspenseful. I also liked the part where the queen reminisced about her past and how her powers and evilness came to be. A shame it only took a minute of screentime when it should definitely deserve more than the scenes in the paragraph above.

  Overall, I give this movie a 6/10. Parts I disliked ultimately surpassed the parts I did like.

Please don't kill me fans.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


  I wish I had a time machine.

  Sometimes it's the little actions you take that makes a huge difference, whether it be positive or negative.

  For example, if I hadn't fallen asleep on the bus I never would have ended up in castle towers and had to walk back home. If I haven't craved for pepero on the way I would never have taken my wallet out and checked if I had enough money. I would never have carelessly shoved it back afterwards and kept on walking. At the intersection I would never take out my scarf causing my wallet to fall on the ground. I should have put my ipod back so I heard the wallet drop. I should have noticed how the lady across from me and the guy in the car looked at me peculiarly. I should have at least looked back instead of continuing to walk.

  I would never have ended up depressed and missing out on school today if I never moved houses.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Re-vamping le Blogger

Starting with the angsty posts that started it all. Deleting al that and adding interesting content.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Camp sucked and depressed me

At least everyone else had a good time.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

I don't wanna go camp

But staying at home will mean that I will argue with my parents on a half-hour basis.

Friday, June 15, 2012

A Dictator told me to Blog more Often

  So I shall.

  Am I the only person not looking forward to camp? Probably because of all the bullshit that happened and the fact that I don't want to waste a perfectly good Sunday of DD and SR3 by spending it with people I don't love(with a significant amount of people that I DO love, like our beautiful Dictator over here).

  I DO however look forward to Korean BBQ and Yoogi(inside joke). Trouble is it's really hard for me to get there from this secluded area I'm in, damn!

  Platform 25 seemed to have changed so much when i went back today, besides from being overpopulated as usual I got to see Pooface (while some other people ignored me and decided that the early train is more important, pfft love you too)

  Because I know that Amy reads this blog, HI AMY <3

Monday, June 11, 2012


  So I spent my whole long weekend playing Dungeon Defenders, its flashy graphics made my eyes twice blind lol. But look here, level 70 Apprentice and level 56 Squire meant that my 16 hours of playtime had not been wasted xD Ah, wonders of powerlevelling, thanks dude.

  At least I did manage to do my Economics homework. Still didn't do VD though, nearly forgot about that!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Terminate Angsty

That's it, blog is officially fill of crap now. I've been getting too mopey for my own good.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Watching Waiting Dreaming Praying

  *Ahem* so this new house sure ain't doing me much favor in terms of life and health. I hope I can stop being sick on important days x.x

  I bought Saints Row 3 on Sale on Steam, knowing my computer will not be able to handle the graphics (who the hell uses an Intel graphics card anyway? I thought it came with a Radeon...) and I knew it, it was an awesome game until I saved it and it will not load for me ever again, sigh. I'm planning to install it for the big comp downstairs where a powerful graphics card is fitted then I can go crazy ahaha.

  Good new is that Magicka now works after I tweaked the resolution, horray! Turns out someone wants to buy my rares on OZ for real money, 50 USD! Heck yeah...

  So besides gaming I spent my weekend doing nothing. I met a new friend and I serenaded them with my crappy skills at the Ukulele.

  So apparently this blog has gotten too angst-y, um, why did the chicken cross the road?
Blue Transparent Star