So today Carllu came and we were TF2ing (yes, I've gotten so addicted to that game now it's not relatively humorous.) so it had to be done in my room. I don't understand why a chick would be fine with others in their room doing couple-y things. Anyhow, perhaps my mum is right about the 'I think I've given birth to a guy' thing. I mean if I talk about something I am really interested in I.E TF2 girls would be like urgh I don't know you while guys would be liek OMG lemme add chu on steam steam me you play LFD2 as well and stuff. I know this could be just me though.
It's not a good thing, however. Mum is also right about the 'you'll never get a boyfriend' thing. Sometimes I feel like my own friends treat me differently, not like they're mean or anything dramatic like that but speech-wise different. I compare myself with certain other people and the treatment is definitely different. Instead of the 'ladies first' or 'she's a chick now act manly' I feel more like 'GG on the last game brah' or 'I PWN U BRAH'. This applies to OZ as well, I get treated like a guy and not a chick. Hell even my other chick friends talk to me like they're talking to a guy, THIS IS JUST WRONG GUYS.
I was discussing this with Carllu right, Lucy brought up something interesting. You see how come someone whose name went by Gertrude gets so much more gentlemanly treatment than me? Am I freaking jealous here? And if I, per say, act really girly like Gertrude would I be treated differently? Getting treated differently would be good, methinks. Because there's all this special treatment instead of 'you are mah brah'. But I just CAN'T do it! It's not possible! I've grown up not liking what the chicks are into and it's hard to get back into it. Perhaps it's a puberty thing.
And I've only recently realised this because as I said I've done nothing in the holidays but TF2 and when I activated my voice thing all the guys suddenly treat you differently. Then you compare yourself with commentators like GirlOnDuty you go like wtf how can she be so pro and still so girly. Yeah I miss the whole gentleman thing. And I certainly am not a transgender or les lol CHEONDUNG AH.
I guess it's nice since I at least stick to my girlier side when it comes with oppa yay. This could also explain my infatuation, huh? Moral of the story? How to get a chick... treat her like one.