Friday, January 28, 2011

Don't watch it Kids!

It was awkward.

Like... really really really I-uhh-need-to-use-the-bathroom awkward.

I've been dying to see Love and Other Drugs, and once I got it I was ecstatic. Except for the fact that there is one little problem.

The movie has sex, heck, lots and lots of it. Ambiguous or not, still, sex and half nudity and everything you expect from a MA 15+ movie. It was a good movie though, good plot and everything, but that ain't the point!

And I just happen to have stuck watching it with my mum.

Now don't get me wrong my mum's cool and awesome and stuff, but I would not recommend watching any sex with ANYONE next to you.

The movie hadn't even gone for 5 minutes and already the guy's screwing with his boss' wife, good for him. But it ain't good for me, I'm awkwardly sitting there twirling in my chair trying to not look at my mum so she(who has no problem watching ANYTHING with me around, damn she's pro)would not be questioning why I'm watching a movie like that.

Then she told me to grab some candy for her, I found my chance and instantly complained about how if I watched a movie with her I always have to run up and down grabbing her snacks and drinks therefore she should just stick a bunch of movies in my harddrive so I can watch movies alone without being enslaved or something of the sort.

I somehow successfully conveyed my idea across, her nod told me that she understood what I mean! She gets it! I still got her the candy, and I did end up watching that movie, non-awkwardly, in peace.

I give it a 7.5 out of 10. Extra point for the funny fat guy.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

This and That

  Today is technically Australia day, yet I'm here pent up in my room watching traditional Chinese movies like Curse of the Golden Flower and The Promise. They're all quite depressing, unfortunately.

  Went to Karaoke with a few friends today, bought 2 more posters(they're more like prints, unfortunately)to add to my 2 other ones. What I am pretty grumpy about is that my friend got herself the exact same poster as me and then I wished I didn't tell her about it, I KNOW I KNOW good friend I am right? But I'm serious, I like to be special, you know. I really wished she would have bought a different one. But I've decided to buy more when I get to China, if my mum actually live up to her word for once so I can buy some unique ones that she'd never get the chance to buy, for the sake of competing. I mean, I'm the one who got her into this stuff, nergh.

  When the hell is my PS3 arriving? Do they take an infinite amount of time to deliver something? Hurry up! With the transmitters too! Hurry! And also, I did apply for heaps of jobs, 2 did reply telling me that I failed; and the other two is telling me nothing, no replies, notifications... anything! What's with people's productivity nowadays?

  I have to stop being naive, even though deep down I know that I'm just putting up an act of being naive and a good friend to everyone. Especially when it comes to the internet, some people are unreasonable, and I'll just have to put up with them. Try not to pick a fight, blend in, and I'm all good. I will most likely be doodling your face in photoshop however, beware.
  ANYWAY, above crap aside. I accidentally spelt G-Dragon's name as D-Gragon in my iPod, and everyone laughed for the entire day about it. Try pronouncing it, you'll be surprised on how funny it sounds.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm an A+ V.I.P ELF!

  I found my beloved Thunder's twitter(slow much) today, and became so excited I revived my long-dead account to start tweeting, hoping one day I will be able to get an response from my oppa. He is just so freaking ADORABLE! I'll be that crazed fangirl who buys a ticket to Korea just to sneak into his house and steal his underpants. But I wouldn't do that, I'd steal a shirt that he had worn and wear it to bed everyday instead.

  Went out with the TKD crowd today, double lazer tags + Karaoke, I don't recall staying out so late (7pm :OOO)on an outing with friends in the city! My voice is all hoarse and shoulders hurt from the vests.

  For all my Blogspot buddies, my twitter username is selena_desu. Follow me :D

  Which also reminds me, I revived my Formspring as well, horray for social revival!

  That's all for now, got a new profile layout(you can't really tell), and I'm back to watch Idol Army with MBLAQ!

Friday, January 14, 2011

A Little Something

To my surprise, this took me quite a while. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

1. Get a job
2. Practice more Flute, no more bludging!*cough*bullshit*cough*
3. Find a hot guy and glomp him, no srsly
4. Eradicate my Eclipse Mints obsession
5. Get over Koizora and move on, watch more dramas/reality shows rather than anime
6. Update my Fanfictions before I drown in rotten vegetables
7. Have a huge pajama party for my birthday
8. Overcome my fear of water
9. DEFINITELY stop using laptop 24/7 at school and concentrate in class. Aim for straight As
10. Organise more outings and get along better with parents

Favourite moment of 2010:

Last day of School. Not only did I have heaps of fun with my friends I got to have a sleepover at Anty's house. Plus she got to come over as well.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Movie isn't Meant to Have this Effect!

WARNING: Contains spoilers 

  So I was fangirling over Miura Haruma yesterday, and I decided to stalk his filming career so I can find a new movie/drama to watch.

  One called 'Koizora' caught my eye, because it was a movie and Haruma-sama seriously had wicked hair and the girl looks decent. Little did I know that I was up for one of the saddest films in Japan history.

  I never showed slight remorse even at tearjerkers like The Notebook and Titanic, but this one was different. Throughout the whole movie I was complaining about the fast progression and pure stupidity of the female protagonist, when the end came however, I found it hard to see and realised that my eyes were really swollen and tears are filling up my glasses frames, making it difficult to see. Shocker, I just cried over a movie that is based on a cellphone novel that is like a complete copy of a Chinese novel.

  Why the heck was I crying? I've been literally throwing popcorn(non-existent since I was just drinking water)at my computer screen and yet the ending really got to me. I couldn't help thinking about the main guy, Hiro, over and over again 24/7. Not exactly fangirling either, more like OMG why did he had to die and why is he so damn perfect and friggin seductive! Oh yeah, seductive not in my point of view but I was putting myself in the main girl's shoes.

  So I watched a dozen of comedy, MBLAQ Thunder goodness and Gokusen, hoping that I will be able to get over the movie and move on with my life. But this morning till now I found myself Googling the keyword 'Koizora' or 'Hiro Sakurai' over and over again. And lost appetite during dinner when I thought about how depressing the movie was. PLUS I had swollen eyes for the rest of the day from watching too many MVs based on the movie.

  So I guess this blog serves to be a word of advice... if you don't wanna end up like me, DO NOT watch Koizora, EVER.

  Below is a Photoshop project I had been working on inspired by Koizora's poster. This is not completed yet(too many flaws) but I'm just really excited for everyone to see what I've done so far:
And this is the Original:

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Trip to Melbourne

  To give a summary of the whole thing, it was boring. In fact we didn't even go to Melbourne, just drove past it.

  Blogs that are private you know you can't see hurts.

  My friends IRL are cool, it's good to know that people care about you.

  Still don't get along too well with my parents.

  In return I will post short videos I took(I took one in every location)here in installments
Blue Transparent Star