Sunday, March 22, 2015

Long weeks

The existence of Snapchat stories really make the whole Blogging thing redundant, but I still try my best to write even if most of the time my posts are vague and confusing. It's ok because I feel like I'm getting my feelings across so that's all that matters right?

The past week had been an emotional one. I had a billion moodswings and alot of my friends stayed away from me due to my tendency to take it out on others through my passive aggressive comments via text. And while it hasn't been an entirely horrible, disastrous week considering after my date on Saturday this happened:

So apparently the mother-in-LAW-pun-cuz-I-can had always liked me so yeah the entire time I was stressing about it was just me being oversensitive and stressful... again. In fact while I was sitting on the bus stressing hard the whole reveal thing had been extremely ridiculously anticlimactic. Yeah PuffyBarrelStep prayer circle is quite OP.

But then it went all downhill from there. I had been so overwhelmed by negative thoughts by the end of the week I just couldn't be bothered to do anything.

For example in recent weeks my involvement with Anime Club had been disastrous since all their meetings were on Friday which was always my no-go day. So they were going to shuffle some of the positions during AGM, which was fine by me. And as I contemplate on just resigning (instead of running for pres) by next year there just has been an interesting turn of things. People change, and even if their personality don't necessarily change, their perception of you certainly do. I'm feeling the full hit of these not-so-subtle changes lately and boy do that not feel good.

That's another story for another day, however because another major issue had been about effort. How much am I putting in? How much are you putting in? How much should we both be putting in? Questions bugged my head and being alone on Wednesday just made these questions into negative affirmations. But hey, it only took a huge text-based confession, four hours of emotional ranting to a close friend and intense makeup before I'm back to normal again.

I don't normally get PMS-y, but these weirdass moodswings are as close as I get to them.
Blue Transparent Star