Do I judge someone permanently because of certain traits in their living habits? Why yes, I do. And I don't think I'll stop judging until that certain someone correct their living habits. But if said living habit is something I am not comfortable with/is unfamiliar with, I don't stop thinking about it. Am I just living in a world too sheltered from these unkind habits? Well, for one thing, for someone sensitive to those who swear every second word it is pretty much inevitable.
But right now, this issue is really making me frustrated. And when a certain someone is warning me to stay away from people with these habits like a neverending alarm I feel like I have to speak up and do something about it. Does having a certain living habit deduce from someone's goodness as a person? Does doing this living habit make said person deserving of no love? Is a correction of habit too late?
Guys, I'm just abit confused.
Damn you potheads.