Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Another Blogging Drought


Anyways, another busy month for the good ol' Pigtato! I had Conference, camp, uni started finally, TI5 came and went and I am the sickest I have been since that one week in China after HSC. So let me tell you a-bit about it as I sit here sipping my tenth cup of herbal tea and coughing my lungs out while being overloaded by work and depressed over everything.

Conference wasn't as enlightening and life-changing as I hoped, probably because I feel like God only speaks to me when I'm lost and depressed and I was pretty happy with life throughout Conference. However I did see many lives changed, including some of my very own Wildlife kids! I unhesitatingly signed up for next year though!  Waking up at 6:30 every day and sleeping at 11 really takes a toll on your body.

Overall the week had really worn me out. I almost forget about having camp that Wednesday and instead decided it was a good idea to visit Bar who has a flu and caught that fever flu just in time for camp. How convenient. This was definitely one of my worst camp experiences in terms of personal wellbeing because I couldn't eat anything, couldn't get dranks with friends and above all couldn't participate in anything. I literally just stayed in my bed and moped. I ended up having to leave early too. BOO!

Uni had started and honestly I'm not feeling up to it at all, my sickness made me miss the first day too sigh. Night classes are so ceebs and I wish my timetables added up so I don't have to get home at 9pm every day. Especially with internship too don't even get me started on that sigh it's like what am I even doing here.

Then came Ti5, it was supposed to be fun because I get to spend whole week with Bar and then go city to meet D-Burger, Jdn and Zak. Except I didn't take into account SMASH and all that jazz. Ofc I didn't end up going SMASH but I did Gal and Wilso's makeup for them early in the morning. By the end of the night I was way too exhausted and sick. So on Sunday the sick train began.

Just what am I doing with my life right now.
Blue Transparent Star