Saturday, February 21, 2015


Very, very late birthday post! It's ok the Melbourne one will be later cuz I have an entire week to blog about O_O.

So I actually did an amazing amount of planning for this. It took me forever to decide on and book a dinner venue, and Meriton was literally an impulse booking. But BBQ City and a 2 Bedroom Skyview apartment was perfect! I was so tightarse about everything like pre-purchasing mixers and how to run the day it actually got stressful. Everyone's like you need to calm down dude!

About 10 people showed up for the lunch event (but 2 was in set-up team, they were joined by JTj), everyone except Step and me were too hungry to sing, I was hungry too but I must sing!!! I order a pasta but those tight control pants meant that I only ate like 2 bites... But guess what I WENT FOR FREE because for some reason they only charged us for 7 people... okay? Chokmasta and Sweetie had to go early so the rest of us just headed up to hotel early to check it out and chill. The view was freaking amazing! We went to pick up mixers because set-up team filled the fridge up with beer and cider.

I met up with almost everyone before dinner to walk to the venue together. The fridge is pretty much filled to the brim with alcohol and mixers at this point. I'm so glad most people respected my request to BYO. Because of them control tights I ate like very little but I didn't have to pay for it so woop woop! We also went to Macca's after because expensive Korean food meant that some people weren't fully fed. We also had a lot of latecomers so we also had to wait for them to finish eating. I'm just a bit disappointed that people didn't mingle as much and neither did I because I was mostly sitting with my CG and biffles.

I arrived at hotel to people shouting "SURPRISE!"And I saw a pig cake sitting on the table along with my many presents. More liquor went in the fridge. We were pretty much split into three groups- bedroom D&M ladies, balcony gossip people and card/drinking games group. Until I decided to make a spontaneous speech and cut the cake/open my presents. Which was a dock, makeup, steam stuff and a SALT LAMP. Trust u Wilso. But thank you for organising everything ^_^

SS had to leave early but Chairman stayed. The groups then split back into three with the balcony group now in the dining room. Our rubbish bin just keeps on piling up with bottles but that was ok. Highlights of the drinking games include the King's game where I was benched by Bar (pretty impressive) and Turtle/Step's hilarious re-enactment of Batman's parents' death.

After most people went home bedding arrangements were interesting. I expected people to be fine sleeping on the floor but everyone wants a bed so I managed to squish them on the chairs, the sofa, and our 4 beds which were put together anyway. I had a bad night's sleep because of the gap at my butt and my failing to fight the 2 Jesses for the blanket. We were WAY too lazy to switch off the aircon and ended up getting hit by full breeze BRRRR. There was also a mirror on the ceiling which is meant to be kinky I'm guessing but we just found it scary...

The aftermath
I managed to get up on time, clean up the hotel and go to internship fully awake with Step tagging along. A few days later I got my other presents (Deathadder Chroma, MJ lipstick, CM Arcana, Baymax) and even another cake thanks Wildlife <3

Overall, I didn't actually cry on my 19th birthday, WOOHOOO!
Blue Transparent Star