Friday, November 22, 2013


I've been so busy! Zzz. Everyone has something on the 22nd. There's Jay's lunch, SS's cake/Hunger games, and Reed's formal thing. After an intense round of deciding I went for the Lunch option, only to  end up cancelling it because  I ended up forgetting to pack so parents were like CANCEL EVERYTHING so I did.

So as I'm standing around bored in the airport, here I am typing this blog post. Mum won't stop hyperventilating and dad and I are just like =_= calm down bro. It's really annoying and embarassing but pretty funny at the same time.

My sleepover was great! I've never had 5 people actually RSVP and come so yay! The rents were pretty chillaxed too. Even made bread. We had xiaolongbao (Yip's lost love) and dumplings (xtine's worst enemy). Xtine the steady hand did the LSP nails I designed and it looked so great I won't stop admiring my nails LOL.

So obviusly a round of Dota or two is obligatory. I told Jimface I GOTTA BREAK MY WR CURSE KYAAAA. So he went full-out PLing and all that and Timmeh went mid and his friends top yadayadayada  #cureforlancer but yeah what a way to go before I go China isolated from everyone.

Finally got my hybrid tablet!  It's a cheap ASUS trandformer book (took me two months research before deciding on something man still totally want a Surface Pro 2 for da gaming capabilities tho) anyway I'm still satisfied. It is so sleek and beautiful *^*

Anyhow, we're about to board now. I doubt I'll Have blog access but I'll do my best to do a Rach and record down my daily activities or just ya know instagram :D I'll miss you SS! Mumble! Ohwait you can just all Skype me lolol

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Calm after the Storm

Long time no blog, blog! I'd just like to talk about how my recent days were (hectic brah).

First off, formal. I'm touched mummy decided to come home early from work to help me with my hair. Had to change dress last minute because for some reason I got skinnier and the strapless-dress kept on slipping off == We tried with clear strapped bras and everything but in the end, my un-provocative self gave in to a high-collared peplum dress. I think I made a good choice because I was going for an Audrey-look and it's more LBD than my dress before (which I was scared since they were selling it everywhere that someone would have the same dress as me but too chicken to post on the yr 12 page). I hastily did my makeup (didn't fail with the $50 eyeshadow yay) and ended up being half an hour late, oh well.

The actual event was... better than I thought! To be honest I wasn't a big fan of the food, since it's chicken everything and the dinner bread was hard to chew. And the photobooth had the longest, most ridiculous line ever (cmon guise we're in 10-inch heels here) and the toilet was one floor up. But I had fun socialising and just watching my friends all dolled up, even if they're not overly-girly in their everyday lives. As I said, I see events like this as an obligation, a ritual, and not necessarily a place to have all the fun in the world. So the fact that time passed quick without me being super bored is a big plus.

Onto today, I'm having a sleepover tomorrow and Yipperz just texted me saying that she could come! Wow I've never had a 5-people sleepover before (meant to have 7 in year 10 but half couldn't make it) I'm so excited yet nervous at the same time because hopefully my parents can be really hidden and nice and everything will work out and we won't leave crumbs in the carpet because they're such a bitch to clean up damn you inherited OCD.

Jes came over today and our goal is: Shingeki, pig out. We went shopping center to buy heaps of food and just came home and started streaming SnK non-stop. I think I'm officially hooked. Gah. We made dinosaur pasta for dinner and Jes was like "let's crack an egg in there to experiment. It actually worked in our favour perfectly because the egg made it moar creamy! Ty Jes u gourmet cook of gastronomical excellence. I wish she was able to sleep over though because when she left I felt so lonely :(

I also finally sold that red nano today for $120 pick-up. It was a decent deal since everyone's asking me to sell for 100 pls guise just gtfo. He's buying for his gf and what I did like was how his texts had perfect grammar and how he organised the pick-up perfectly instead of being like all the other messages: "hey can u sel it 4 100" wtf if you gonna buy something talk properly adolescent child. I kind of just gave his gf the iPod and was like 'enjoy!'. Still man, if you wanna buy your gf an iPod buy a legit one not a Gumtree one LOL. Why's everyone messaging me about why I'm selling a brand new one jeez I ain't no Mafia/scammer.

Anyhow, wow I wrote alot. But that's basically what I'm up to. Currently my parents are asking me if I wanna dye my hair since mum's dyeing hers right now and there's plenty left over. Idk man I want burgundy not dark brown and I dun want the same colour as my mum jeeeez.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Days have gone by in a blur

I did not meet the required amount of exercise to look perfect for formal.

I did not sleep enough to regain a healthy complexion, either.

After a hefty confrontation on Saturday it was as if everyone had tried to cover up what had happened and go on with their lives.

Personally, I think it's the best way to go about things.

Vidya hauls me from reality and places me in a protected bubble where only my friends and I are allowed to enter, no crying allowed, only laughter and fun.

Me: Oi you gotta treat me to xiaolongbao again.
J: Sure sure!
Me: YAY :D <3
J: Only if I get to eat them all.

A: What kind of bees make milk?
Me: Cows?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

On a happier note

"Oh I was about to say, this chick's cute. Then I realised it was you oh gawd."

Quote of the year.

Friends always cheer you up.

I cried alot today

Not even one week into my post-HSC freedom, and already I'm wishing to turn 18 and move out.

I thought we have established a silent pact not to get on eachother's nerves.

I've been occupying myself with various activities this holidays, I finished my resume edit, but since I'm going to China I thought I'd leave that till I return. I want to use that time to get driver's license too. I've started Nanowrimo, but my novel is kind of stuck atm.

Contrary to popular belief, I don't spend my entire existence playing Dota. I play it from 9 till 11, which happens to be the time mum comes in to check on me, before leaving muttering things like how I'm a good-for-nothing. Sad thing is I don't even play everyday.

But obviously, it doesn't please Mr. Asshole either.

What do you want from me, honestly.

I've said 100 times, job and car license comes after China, because nobody in their right mind would hire a kid who's gonna be overseas during the most busy season.

But you don't give a shit, do you.

"What's the point of her life, not finding a job after exams?"

"Yeah whatever let her do this she has nothing better to do anyway, let her waste her life gaming."

FYI, I missed dinner because I took a NAP, I didn't play for the entire day.

This isn't some teenage angsty first world problem.

This is someone who thought I was running away from home because I apparently "hung up on him" even though I just missed a call.

This is someone who would NEVER hear me explain because I'm apparently just a teenage gaming thug.

Yeah man, I'm totally drinking smoking doing drugs all day.

And wow, talking shit about me to my mum, that's low, even for you.

Blood runs thicker than water, you're not gonna turn her against me that easily.

Yes, you are aware that I can hear every word because our house is so deadly silent. And as I dramatically waste the world's supply of kleenexes you just go on and on.

Because I have no feelings.

If you hate me, say it to my face. I've been nothing but civil, respectful and a freaking BUTTER to you.

What did I ever DO to you? You know I was planning to get a job so I can buy you that stupid TAG watch you always wanted.

Sorry I can't be like your son, who's on his path to becoming a government official or some Chinese corrupted shit.


Fuck You Fuck You Fuck You Fuck You Fuck You Fuck You Fuck You Fuck You 

Go kill yourself, before I do that myself.
Blue Transparent Star