I've been getting addicted to this gay browser game called Wartune. I cannot stop.
So today is UTS open day, I went with Jes who brought a bunch of friends which was honestly super awkward in the beginning. Jes slapped makeup on me and since they're a dude it just looks very awks. I brought out the nicest tamest side in me but that facade kind of died when a dude said Dota sucks DX So I literally spent the entire day complaining about how LoL is a trash game and totally got hated upon. In my defense I respect both games, but one is seriously trash. And something that stuck in my head was one of the dude's statement: "Are you even that good at Dota". No, I'm not (better than you though ;D), however me being so biased over it does not necessarily mean that I'm a pro :) Anyway it was just generally awkward but everyone be so nice!
Later I met up with Lawy and we bought some stuff then travelled to Tofu's house. Some crap went down with trains and we ended up waiting like half an hour for train. By this time I'm already sleepy as hell and I folded my hoodie into a pillow to sleep on Lawy's b00tif00l shoulder. As soon as we reached our destination I was more than glad to get off... LEAVING MY HOODIE BEHIND ON THE TRAIN. I always stop to check if I left something and today was not one of those days.
Tofu's party was... AWESOME. Everyone was there (rare occasion) and the food's just... omgidek. Too bad my head hurt due to contacts the entire time :( Anyhow, we were insane. Laughing, eating, taking photos. Chairman made an interesting discovery: I pose by enlarging my eyes and forming a 'W' shape with my mouth. SO TRUE OMG WHY HAVEN'T I NOTICED IM A FRIGGING NEKO A NEKO I TELL YA.