Wednesday, September 24, 2014


I really need to get into the habit of actually doing my assignments. This procrastination game is going too strong.

My parents haven't talked to eachother for a whole week because of some stupid over-her-head request by my stepsister-in-law.

I've started to stream! Find me on Twitch: Waspberry
Dota lags alot so I haven't streamed much of it yet, but I've been doing alot of Civ streams and Indie games. Please support me by clicking that 'follow' button ^_^

Friday, September 19, 2014

Over and done with

I never thought this day would come so soon, but it came quick and it came good.

I have finally gotten over someone and this time it was not a heartbreak.

*confetti, fireworks and lots of applause*

Perhaps it was my short attention span, perhaps it was their eventual retaliation, or maybe it was just my commitment issues.

But there were no more butterflies in my stomach, no more flushing whenever someone mentions their name, no more glancing in a certain direction and giggling to myself and definitely no more sleepless nights over stupid stuff that I've said to them.

Above all, I no longer feel so inferior. Like they were standing on a pedestal and I ain't even worthy enough to clean bird poop off it.

Somehow, it feels liberating.

I don't know what's gonna happen, but I'm defs alot less keen and my brain is alot emptier.

Now it's time to let everyone know lol. Nothing to see here anymore guise move along.

Friday, September 12, 2014

All these partays

Ok so firstly I'm overdue for 2 assignments already and I realised that you can email the tutor like 5 hours before due time for an extension like WHAAAT some of them even offer you extensions WHAAAT here I am just waiting to eat that 10% penalty why you make me realise this world.

But yeah I forgot to write about Band Night and stuff, so I'm just gonna write it in the same post as CospARTy and Soso's birthday.... they were all awfully similar anyway. Everyone go there and have a good time, get some drinks, chat loudly with friends and drunkenly happily stumble home. That's actually exactly how I'd describe all three LOL. Cosplaying had been really fun! It attracts alot of attention though especially when you have to run around uni oh gawd such embarrassment. We also managed to organise for Soso's present which is a BOSS wallet and needless to say he loved it!

Another thing I should probably talk about is my new computer... yes, it is pretty much the reason for all my procrastination and shut-in-ness. Thanks to Pat and Gal I now have an awesome powerful beautiful desktop computer that runs everyone on Maximum graphics; making me regret ever buying PS3 games because who needs crappy aiming and curfews because of parents when you can play on your own comp? There were some gpu problems but turns out the solution was really simple. I regret buying a Deathstalker now because it's too smooth for comfort. Also I need to sort out other stuff like iTunes but I'm pretty ceebs about it for now. I even stole the Wifi adapter from my big comp because the crappy modem won't reach my room. So my desk is filled with wires and stuff now.

What else? Well some people have been telling me things that would have been the best news ever like a few months ago. But now hearing them makes me uncomfortable. Am I over this guy already LOL such short attention spam and I definitely have a commitment issue.
Blue Transparent Star