I apologise for late update, you see I was away on camp and my dad managed to cap my internet while I was away, in three days. I haven't been able to access full internet for a whole freaking month. I only just discovered that Blogger works still so here I am now.
"So what if he's taken?" you ask me "And who the hell is he" you then turn to yourself "Why do I care?". You don't have to care, who am I kidding. It's the sad moment when you find out someone you considering truly liking ended up being taken by this girl who doesn't deserve him at all. The funny thing is if you're going out with someone don't you actually GO OUT? Group outings an exception but since this person enjoys being hikkimori during his spare time I guess that's a no too. This whole relationship is highly suspicious to me.
I laugh if he's reading this and say to himself "is that ME she's talking about?" No shit Sherlock.
Anyway, you know how my stuff supposedly got stolen? Well I never found my travel passes and had to apply for a new pair. But my flute books ended up being put in the storeroom because of this end-of-year cleaning. So yay me.
Lydia gave me a memory stick for my birthday, my psp works now! Unfortunately on the same day that I fixed it I decided to be stupid and upgrade it with Official Firmware, it's technically bricked now. Go me I'm such a genius.
I watched The Happening on TV yesterday, it's supposed to be a depressing disaster horror film but except for the part where Mrs Jones was being creepy I laughed throughout the whole movie. It's just that funny. People randomly jumping off buildings, the main characters deciding to become permanent hippies and people being afraid of the air; wow, I totally believe that. Great work at making a fool out of yourself Mr. Director.
My friend's angry at me for making a joke she couldn't take. Now that I think about it all the tears I wasted over this matter is so pointless. if she's going to continue to be a bitch to me like this, she's the one at fault now. It's been so long and she obviously isn't a good friend for holding a grudge over such a small ass matter. So if you're reading this, get over yourself, because I got over you.
That's all for now, internet will be back midnight tomorrow, see you all with hopefully a few photos then.