Sunday, May 3, 2015

Random Flash of Insecurity

So I just spontaneously did 3 8 minute workouts, bought $100 worth of Korean trouble-care skincare even though I'm a loyal USANA user and set all my sleep timers to before 1am.

It's like I suddenly realised, not like you look in the mirror and go "Oh." but the type of realise where you realise that you realise that you look like a piece of poop. I wouldn't stop poking my stupid tummy fat and when Bar squishes my tummy I'm just like GO AWAY DO U HAVE FAT FETISH OR SMTH internally. Then I wouldn't stop picking at my pimples and after I finish the deed I'm just like crying over whatever future infection or scar that I'm gonna get.

Life is quite hard sometimes.

On the bright side, my cramps aren't as bad this month, my PMS could have been alot worse and I got contacted via Linkedin for a legit paying uni-major-related job!
Blue Transparent Star